Free calls to Peru
Customers nowadays are overflowed with a great deal of alternatives and options with regards to picking the best and economical VOIP benefit. Many companies are thinking of new and innovative VOIP services that charm customers to adopt VOIP as a communication tool to make free calls to Peru with iEvaphone.

iEvaphone - Introduction
This is a free program that makes utilization of the latest technology to convey great voice communications to individuals all through the world. This administration is utilized by various companies for their business needs and prerequisites. iEvaphone is free to download and can easily be installed on to PC's. Customers then need to tap the installation file. Upon fruitful installation, customers need to create a User ID and password to utilize this application.
How to Place free Calls to Peru
Since this is an easy to use application, calls are easy to make. Keeping in mind the end goal to place free VOIP calls, customers need to enter their username in the textbox and tap the dial button. Free calls to Peru made to landline phones are free if they are recorded in the free destinations list. Calls should be placed in the following succession: 00+country code+ area code+ supporter number.
Least System Requirements
The base system necessities required for customers to download this free VOIP calls application are as follows:
- PC running Windows Vista, XP, 2000 (with SP2)
- 1 GHz processor
- 256 MB RAM
- 30 MB free space on the hard drive
- Full duplex sound card and a headset
- Cable, DSL or equivalent broadband connection to Internet
iEvaphone Tabs
iEvaphone services can be partitioned into several tabs. Some of them include:
Contacts Tab: The contact tab allows clients to view online contacts that are already in the customer's' contact list. Customers can right tap on any client name and see the quantity of decision for communication reason. It also allows clients; to manage their contact list
Dial Pad: This free calls to Peru also accompanies a dial pad feature that shows the graphical representation of buttons that can be utilized for placing calls.
Speed Dial: Customers can also utilize this tab to assign numbers to their contacts. In others words, customers can easily call straightforwardly to different clients with the assistance of a solitary button.
iEvaphone offers great voice quality and it can be additionally enhanced by updating the sound cards or by utilizing a decent quality headset.
Peru country and area codes
Peru country code - (51)Our website automatically inserts the country code when selecting the required country from the list.
Peru area codes:Abancay | 83 | Huanchaco | 44 | Pisco | 56 |
Arequipa | 54 | Huanuco | 62 | Piura | 73 |
Ayacucho | 66 | Huaral | 1 | Pucallpa | 61 |
Cajamarca | 76 | Huaraz | 43 | Puno | 51 |
Callao | 1 | Ica | 56 | Puerto Maldonado | 82 |
Catacaos | 73 | Ilo | 53 | Sullana | 73 |
Cerro de Pasco | 63 | Iquitos | 65 | Tacna | 52 |
Chepen | 44 | Jaen | 76 | Talara | 73 |
Chiclayo | 74 | Juliaca | 51 | Tarapoto | 42 |
Chimbote | 43 | Lambayeque | 74 | Tarma | 64 |
Chincha Alta | 56 | Lima | 1 | Tingo Maria | 62 |
Cusco | 84 | Moquegua | 53 | Trujillo | 44 |
Huacho | 1 | Moyobamba | 42 | Tumbes | 72 |
Huancayo | 64 | Paita | 73 | Yurimaguas | 65 |