Free calls to Brazil
As known by all, the main problem that is encountered by a tourist travelling to a distinct country is the high rate of ISD calls charged by telecom operators, they are not so easy to afford when needed. The costly nature of international calls has made the people unable to talk to the loved ones living in the native country. Even if you manage to pay for pricey calls, but then you will not be able to talk out till you are satisfied and your heart is being filled as the time duration of a call is not fixed it can be of minutes, seconds or ending up to an hour.

For making the calls we look for alternatives that can provide us the means in cheap cost that suits our purpose and allows us to get the desired results. Among all the offering present, you can see the internet as the solution to the problem offering you the service making cheap calls to any country. With the help of the service you can easily make free calls to Brazil, Argentina and many other countries at a nominal cost that very low than the charges asked by the telecom operators. There are several websites and application present on the internet that offers the individuals the means of making cheap international calls.
Many of them ask the person to make an account and register themselves in the site in order to be eligible to use the services for making the free calls to Brazil or any other country. Through the use of service you can save up to 90% of the amount made on the calls and make the calls to easy as wanted. The technology used in the process of making the calls is highly advanced and offers the people make the calls with ease. With the inherited properties it is gaining a lot of popularity among the people, majority of small businesses are using the service in order to cut the cost encountered while communicating
Everyone wants to save in any way and with the help of the service you can easily serve the purpose without encountering any sort of trouble. The technology is evolving and changing the scenario where you can avoid the use of traditional phone systems by choosing the services present in the internet.
Among the offerings iEvaphone offers the services to the customers without asking any sort of registration and makes it a lot easy to make free calls to Brazil along with other countries. For using the services you just need the PC having a working fast internet connection. You can also use the service on your smartphone just by downloading the app from the store. You can easily make calls from anywhere to any part of the world without any trouble, encountering and connecting with your loved ones by taking them for long till you are satisfied.
Brazil country and area codes
Brazil country code - 55
Our website automatically inserts the country code when selecting the required country from the list.
Brazil area codes:
Ananindeua | 91 | Ilheus | 73 | Rio de Janeiro | 21 |
Anapolis | 62 | Itaquaquecetuba | 11 | Salvador | 71 |
Aparecida de Goiania | 62 | Joinville | 47 | Santa Maria | 55 |
Aracaju | 79 | Joao Pessoa | 83 | Santarem | 91 |
Bauru | 14 | Juiz de Fora | 32 | Santo Andre | 11 |
Belem | 91 | Limeira | 19 | Santos | 13 |
Belo Horizonte | 31 | Londrina | 43 | Sao Bernardo Campo | 11 |
Boa Vista | 95 | Macapa | 96 | Sao Goncalo | 21 |
Brasilia | 61 | Maceio | 82 | Sao Joao de Meriti | 21 |
Campinas | 19 | Manaus | 92 | Sao Jose Campos | 12 |
Campo Grande | 67 | Maringa | 44 | Sao Jose de Rio Preto | 17 |
Canoas | 51 | Maua | 11 | Sao Luis | 98 |
Carapicuiba | 11 | Montes Claros | 38 | Sao Paulo | 11 |
Cariacica | 27 | Mogi das Cruzes | 11 | Sao Vicente | 13 |
Caxias do Soul | 54 | Natal | 84 | Serra | 27 |
Contagem | 31 | Niteroi | 21 | Sorocaba | 15 |
Cuiaba | 65 | Nova Iguacu | 21 | Taubate | 12 |
Curitiba | 41 | Olinda | 81 | Teresina | 86 |
Diadema | 11 | Paulista | 81 | Uberlandia | 34 |
Duque de Caxias | 21 | Pelotas | 53 | Uberaba | 34 |
Feira de Santana | 75 | Petropolis | 24 | Varzea Grande | 65 |
Florianopolis | 48 | Piracicaba | 19 | Vila Velha | 27 |
Fortaleza | 85 | Porto Alegre | 51 | Vitoria | 27 |
Foz do Iguacu | 45 | Porto Velho | 69 | Vitoria da Conquista | 77 |
Franca | 16 | Recife | 81 | Volta Redonda | 24 |
Goiania | 62 | Ribeirao Preto | 16 |