Free calls to Australia from USA
Make Calls To Australia From USA Without Spending A Penny!
Not long ago making international calls meant to burn a hole in your wallet but with internet everything seems to get solution sooner or later. And now you can make international calls not only at relatively very cheaper rates but for absolutely free as well. One such service for making free international calls is Ievaphone using which you can make calls directly without any registrations or signups of any kind. So if you are living in USA and your family, friends or business colleagues are in Australia and you have to make frequent calls to them then stop wasting your money on expensive calls using your mobile operator and save every single penny of what you spend there with this free calls to Australia from USA and any other place worldwide.

Know how to make free calls to Australia from USA:
- Get a PC, Mac or a smartphone having an active internet connection on it and with flash player 9.0 or higher installed on its web browser to support the flash widget.
- Now go to the website for Ievaphone and allow the flash widget to load on its homepage.
- Now select Australia from the country list there and then dial the mobile or landline number you want to make call to.
- After entering the number press the dial button and after a short promotional video your call will be connected to this number.
But before you start using this service know that there is time limit on the free calls made using this service. And this is solely to avoid the abuse of this free call service and to avoid network congestion from the same. SO you can make only 4 free international calls in a day and once you have made 4 calls then you must wait for another 24 hours before using this service again. Also the free calls to Australia from USA you make are not unlimited but have time limit on them that is mentioned on the screen when you make calls and once your time limit is over the call gets automatically disconnected.
And though there is limitation on free calls but still you can make 4 free calls to your relatives staying in Australia from USA or anywhere in the world and can enjoy casual talks with them without worrying about the bill your mobile operators would have charged otherwise. Making free calls to Australia from USA cannot be easier and with Ievaphone you need not to register for any account, share any bank or card detail, install an additional plug-in or fulfil any such annoying conditions to make free calls or cheap calls to USA or to Australia. All you need is internet connection, microphone and web browser with suitable flash player installed, things that are already with everyone using smartphone or PC and Mac.
So don't hold yourself back or give silly excuses to your friends for not calling them due to high call charges. Rather surprise them with frequent calls and enjoy talking them all without spending a single penny.