How to call Philippines for free
Why do people waste their money to call Philippines while they can use the free call service to Philippines? Yes, it is possible. Now get to know how to call Philippines for free. People can now stop using calling cards and expensive international prepaid plans. Just know the process of free calls to Philippines and go for it.
How to call Philippines for free using iEvaphone:
It is a web page based quick phone calls direct to Philippines. By using this app, one can give calls to Philippines numbers. But there is limitation while using it. The user can make only a limited number of calls per day. The numbers of free calls allowed to Philippines per day are only two.

How to use it:
Using the application, the user can make free call online to Philippines from anywhere. They are provided with the facility to make free calls from any PC, MAC or smartphone. No additional plug-ins required to use this. There is no trial offer. User does not even need to get registered to use this. It is just as normal as a call with any phone or mobile.
The service might be offered for a limited period of time. All that required is only a microphone and a flash player.
The latest version allows its users to make 4 calls per day.
iEvaphone is a free and reliable call service to Philippines (or another countries, for example you may read how to make free calls to Pakistan) from anywhere from the world. Its users are offered a free call service to Philippines with this online web page based quick calls direct system. The user doesn`t need to transfer money from their credit card or any other bank card in order to make calls to Philippines. That is the reason why it is said free indeed.
Our users won`t be getting hundreds of service mails. It doesn`t require personal information and private information here. There is no registration process to use iEvaphone in order to make calls to Philippines. Users can call to mobile or landline numbers of Philippines using our online web page base quick calls direct services. One can use a network of 3G or can use the broadband networks as well. It doesn`t need any speed internet.
This is available for all the Adobe flash player support platforms. The app needs to have a microphone. Users` PC or computer system wouldn`t get any malicious software or viruses because of this. There is no need to install any add-ins or plug-ins or any other stand-alone apps in order to use this to make free calls to Philippines.
Till now people might have wasted a lot of money on making call to their friends or loved ones without having knowledge about how to call Philippines for free. But it is easy and free of charges now with this app. So just get on heels and make use of free call services to Philippines. NOTE: Users cannot make calls to emergency numbers using iEvaphone.