Free calls from PC to mobile in Pakistan
Today connecting with the people across the world is easy via internet by accessing social networking sites, skype, Gtalk etc. whether for fun, personal persistence or business purpose. Almost sites use one mutual way to communicate that is by typing from one end to receive by another but, few sites allow to communicate through video chat or call but, for the person on another end also should have internet connection, video camera and registered account over same website to communicate that is called pc to pc contact but, in order to contact through voice people still use mobile phones that can cost them much if they want to make call in another country for what sometimes they use to spend on call cards and roaming charges etc. which is also not cost effective at all.

If you are living in another country and want to contact to somebody in Pakistan then just have a look on the tariff of Pakistan call cost per minute and roaming charges per minute etc. you will drop or delay the plan of calling through your mobile in Pakistan for sure or still If you call there then you will try to finish your conversation as soon as possible due to charges that are coming over your head.
But, by understanding the precise use of internet one can make free calls to Pakistan via internet without paying any charges. Now-a-days internet offer many websites that use VoIP (voice on internet protocol) technology that allow you to make free calls from pc to mobile in Pakistan. Ievaphone introduce you to a new era of making international phone calls by simply using your internet connection and for this procedure both parties are not bond to have pc or internet connection as you can call on one’s mobile through your pc.
VoIP phone calls are same like your regular phone call but the difference between their costs is more than enough that one can experience by their own once they start making international calls via internet. VoIP phone calls just consume your internet’s bandwidth but, don’t take any extra charge except your internet connection’s monthly bill or pack but, internet connection with good speed is required for enhancement.
It is possible to communicate through pc to pc and pc to mobile via VoIP technology. Ievaphone allow you to make free calls from pc to mobile in Pakistan with the use of internet and on a lower cost moreover VoIP phone calls are that virtual as if you are making call from your pc to mobile then another person will not get any suspicion of it and you can finish your conversation properly as it will not let you feel any difference between the normal phone call and call through internet.
Now-a-days VoIP phone calls are preferable by people in business sectors, overseas students and many more to communicate with their associates, friends or relatives in Pakistan without worrying about the time limit and cost.