Free VoIP calls
People from Vietnam suffers a lot of from the charges of International call, all the time questioning on the web, how to Call Vietnam for free. Nowadays, in this era of modern technology, no matter, if you are living abroad, or your relatives live in a foreign country, or even if you are traveling abroad, free call service makes it easier to connect with your loved ones. Isn't it great just call a mobile/ landline number from your PC? Thanks to free VoIP calls services, those allow a person to make free calls anywhere he want, across the globe. On the web, you will find a bunch of service providers, offering this free calls service to you.

There are many operators and service providers that do contain hidden charges in dark for the international calls made. Not every cost is out there for the person to know about it before making the call. However, people do need it for their day-to-day communications for diverse purposes, although the price of the calls makes it a frustrating medium. In order to get an easy way out, Voice over Internet Protocol is a technology is chosen by many. It is cheaper than other medium and offers much more benefits.
Free VoIP calls are inexpensive and economical in every manner. The technology present helps the person to make calls local as well as overseas easily. Seeing the popularity and benefits of the free VoIP calls there are many people who are using it on a daily basis. It is much different from the international calls but serve the same purpose of reducing the physical distance barrier between two people.
Due to worldwide use of VoIP, there are many online sites that do offer the similar service to the people. Amongst them, there is iEvaphone which does comes with VoIP based service. iEvaphone is easy to use, configure and maintain unlike all other competitors. As it is available everywhere, you can use it anywhere in the world. Over the phone, more than two people are able to communicate at the same time. The conference call can be sent in real time and allowing the person to be able to talk it easily with others.
Free VoIP calls through iEvaPhone
Free VoIP calls are carried over the internet, so there is no heavy taxation on the VoIP services. The services of the iEvaphone are much diverse than a traditional phone and are available in a cost that is less in every manner. There is no collection of the private or personal data of the user and does not sends any promotional mails to every month.
No need to install or download a standalone application for using the services of the site. iEvaphone does not contain any annoying ads that might come up during the process of making a phone call. The minimum requirement that is needed for the service is a good internet connection and updated browser.
For preventing any sort of congestion on the network and its abuse, iEvaphone only allows about four free VoIP calls to every person. After every 24 hours, the limit is replenished again. iEvaphone pays for each call made and this is the reason why the limit is there in the first place. The site comes with the new version of calling service that allows making calls any time 24/7.
Every mobile and desktop browser is covered and can be used for making free VoIP international calls. With iEvaphone, you can call any regular landline and mobile number from your browser in the easiest way possible. There is no need to spend a fortune over the costly international calls tariffs that many service providers do offer for everyone.
Get over the cost of calls with the help of iEvaphone and talk unlimited with people you want to easily.