Free calls to India from USA or free calls to USA from India
If you are in the USA then you will know just how expensive it is to call India. If you are India then you will know just how expensive it is to call the USA. This is not ideal considering the business relations between the two countries have improved drastically over the past couple of years. Thankfully there are ways in which you can save money. Let us introduce you to the idea of making free calls to India from USA or free calls to USA from India.
The technology at the heart of the free calls to India from USA and the other way around is known as 'Voice over IP', or 'VOIP' for short. This process does not rely on using standard phone lines to make calls. It is far too expensive to go down that route (hence why many businesses are dealing with incredibly high costs). It is instead allows the use of your internet connection to make a phone call. If you have a stable internet connection, and most people in India or the USA have a stable internet connection nowadays, then you will be able to enjoy crystal clear phone calls which are very much on par with the phone calls that you make through your standard telephone system. In short; the person on the other end of that line will not even realize that you are calling them from your internet connection.
In order to obtain your free calls to India from the USA, or the other way around, then you will need to pay a small monthly fee. This monthly fee is considerably less than making just a couple of phone calls to India using a standard phone line and thus it should not be too much of a problem. Once you have paid that fee, all you need to do is 'boot' up that system whenever you want to make a phone call across the two countries and you should be 'good to go'.

If you wish to find out more about making free calls to India from the USA or free calls to the USA from India then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We would absolutely love to walk you through the process of using our service. You will be surprised at just how cheap it is too!