Free VOIP calls to India through
This website lets you do the aforementioned and it charges nothing for the same. It is absolutely free VOIP calls to India through this website. You must be wondering whether there is a secret or some hidden charge to this. No, there isn`t any. Infact, the whole process is quite lucid.

You simply have to visit this website. And the only requirements for visiting this website and availing its benefits are, a device having a microphone and a browser that supports flash player. Also, the last and the final requirement is an internet connection on your device. Supposedly, if you`re looking to make free VOIP calls to India (also read - India unlimited VOIP calls), all you need is a gadget viz smartphone, tablet or even your desktop. Now you need to have a working internet connection on your gadget along with a microphone and a browser that supports adobe flash player.
You`re all set to call for free. Not just India, through this website, you can call through a lot of other countries as well. And yes, calling to any country is free. The website is expanding its database with every passing day and adding more and more countries within the free calling scenario. Well, if they keep functioning like this, soon enough we will be able to call out most of the countries for free.
Not just this, the free VOIP calls to India quality through this site is really good. There are hardly any disturbances during the ongoing call. Also, the site`s interface has a virtual phone and you simply need to choose a country and dial the numbers. That`s it. No complications.
As of now, there is limit to the number of free calls you can make and the developers are working hard so as to render a premium version that will let us call for unlimited times. Well, even then, you still have the opportunity to save on your phone bills by a considerable margin. So, here`s us wishing you happy calling.
India country code and area codes
India Country Code - 91Our website automatically inserts the country code when selecting the required country from the list.
India Area Codes:Agra | 562 | Ghaziabad | 120 | Mysore | 821 |
Ahmadabad | 79 | Gorakhpur | 551 | Mumbai | 22 |
Aligarh | 571 | Guntur | 863 | Nagpur | 712 |
Allahabad | 532 | Gurgaon | 124 | Nasik | 253 |
Amravati | 721 | Guwahati | 361 | Noida | 120 |
Amritsar | 183 | Gwalior | 751 | Patna | 612 |
Asansol | 341 | Hubli-Dharwad | 836 | Puducherry | 413 |
Aurangabad | 240 | Hyderabad | 40 | Pune | 20 |
Bangalore | 80 | Indore | 731 | Raipur | 771 |
Bareilly | 581 | Jabalpur | 761 | Rajkot | 281 |
Belgaum | 831 | Jaipur | 141 | Ranchi | 651 |
Bhavnagar | 278 | Jalandhar | 181 | Saharanpur | 132 |
Bhilai | 788 | Jammu | 191 | Salem | 427 |
Bhiwandi | 2522 | Kannur | 497 | Siliguri | 353 |
Bhopal | 755 | Jamshedpur | 657 | Solapur | 217 |
Bhubaneswar | 674 | Jodhpur | 291 | Srinagar | 194 |
Bikaner | 151 | Kanpur | 512 | Surat | 261 |
Calcutta | 33 | Kochi | 484 | Thrissur | 487 |
Calicut | 495 | Kollam (Quilon) | 474 | Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) | 431 |
Chandigarh | 172 | Kota | 744 | Tiruppur | 421 |
Coimbatore | 422 | Lucknow | 522 | Trivandrum | 471 |
Cuttack | 671 | Ludhiana | 161 | Vadodara | 265 |
Dehradun | 135 | Madurai | 452 | Varanasi | 542 |
Delhi | 11 | Malappuram | 483 | Vasai-Virar | 250 |
Dhanbad | 326 | Mangalore | 824 | Vijayawada | 866 |
Faizabad | 5278 | Meerut | 121 | Visakhapatnam | 891 |
Faridabad | 129 | Moradabad | 591 | Warangal | 870 |
Save Up On Your Calling Bills
The last two decades have seen tremendous improvement in terms of technology. Without ubiquitous presence of technology, things used to be quite different. We had a limited number of things to entertain ourselves. Connecting with relatives or friends living far off used to be a difficult task. Even though we had telephones back then, still it was not a cakewalk to talk to a friend residing in a foreign land.
But over the last decades, especially after the 1990`s, innovation in terms of technology reached completely new heights and the whole scenario started changing. Wired telephones in our homes were replaced by cordless sets and then gradually cordless sets were replaced by mobile phones. Mobile phone gave us the ability to talk to our friends and family while we are on the move.
Making mobile phones was an advanced step in terms of technology but innovation has never been static, it just goes on. Eventually basic mobile phones were replaced by ‘smart` phones and tablets. Now we do have access to smart phones but even then calling people living far off can be a costly process. Call rates can still make a hole in your pocket. Well, ever wondered if you could have the facility to call people for free? Even those friends and relatives of yours who live abroad. Yes. What if you could call them for free without any hassles of a website log in or sign up? What if you simply had to visit a website and you could call whoever you want and wherever you want. This does seem to be a joke right. Well, it`s not.